
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."

~William Butler Yeats

Courses taught at Miami University

  • CYB 235 Computer Networks (Spring 2023)
    • Introduction to the fundamentals of computer networking, five layers of the ISO/OSI and TCP/IP protocol stack and the practical and conceptual skills needed to build simple local area networks, perform basic device configurations, and implement subnet schemes and their IP addressing. Students will also configure and troubleshoot simulated networks consisting of end devices, switches and routers. The course will also cover appropriate security aspects for each of the above layers, concepts and topics in Internet of Things (IoT) including architecture, communications, security, and applications.
  • CYB 234 System Administration and Scripting for Cybersecurity (Fall 2022)
    • Introduction to Linux and Windows system administration tasks focusing on system administration skills, administering user capabilities, the file system, access controls, and other system services (e.g., firewall, and networking).

Courses taught at UTRGV

  • CSCI 4341 IoT Principles & Hacking (Spring 2022)
    • This course covers fundamental concepts and topics in Internet of Things (IoT) including architecture, communications, security, and applications. A hands-on project to solve user needs using an IoT microcontroller is a key part of this course.
  • CSCI 3333 Algorithms & Data Structures (Spring 2022)
    • This course is a continuation of data structures topics covered in CSCI 2380. Content includes theoretical topics in algorithmic efficiency and complexity, along with abstract data types, including graphs, networks, trees, and priority queues. Search topics, including hashing, trees and sorting algorithms including external sorting are introduced and compared. Computational complexity topics include the class P and NP, NP-completeness and reducibility, NP-completeness proofs, and NP-complete problems.
  • CSCI 2344 Programming in Unix/Linux Environment (Fall 2021)
    • This course presents the UNIX file system, the commonly used utilities, editors, shell programming and scripting. It includes instruction in software development in the UNIX/Linux environment. In addition, a brief overview of the internal components of the operating system will be covered.

Teaching Assistant at GWU

  • CSCI 1311 Discrete Structures (Spring 2020)

  • CSCI 4431 Computer Networks (Fall 2020)

  • CSCI 4331 Cryptography (Fall 2019)